Top Event
Ho Chi Minh City
Symposium: Factory Automation – Made in Germany
Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City
Viet Nam
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Event Start
05/06/2025 · 00:00
Event End
05/06/2025 · 00:00

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Event Outline

The symposium “Factory Automation – Made in Germany” aims to encourage an exchange German technology providers and local manufacturing stakeholders on matters regarding factory automation. Participants will get the opportunity to not only receive an update on latest technologies but also to engage into an active exchange with providers of automation solutions as well as with experts in the field.

This event will take place on May 6 at Gem Center in Ho Chi Minh City.

Objective of this document is to line out a project and marketing plan leading up to the implementation of the symposium as well as follow-up efforts.

Mission and Vision of the Project

Vision: Support the elevation of the Vietnamese manufacturing industry to world class in terms of efficiency, sustainability and quality.

Mission: Create new business partnerships between players in the Vietnamese manufacturing scene and the German factory automation industry.

Market Analysis

The Vietnamese manufacturing industry is at a crossroads. It’s traditional comparative advantage of low labor costs comes to an end as wages escalate. At the same time a new competetive edge arises because the country is increasingly becoming interesting for buyers and investors looking for a high-quality manufacturing location enabling them to diversify their supply chains away from China.

Key challenge for industrial investors in Vietnam is to cope with the new demand for products requiring high precision, outstanding quality and technical knowhow while maintaining low costs through efficiency.

Vietnam will be able to grabble these new opportunities through the application of automation technology. However, standing at the beginning of this transformative process from labor to capital based manufacturing, Vietnamese enterprises have high demand for information and exchange on the topic of factory automation.

Target Group

The Vietnamese manufacturing scene shall be addressed through the following company groups:

  • Foreign and local manufacturers
  • System integrators
  • Distributors of industrial technology

Above mentioned groups have both a more passive demand to receive information and possibly inspiration as well as a more active demand for concrete exchange with knowledge holders. The symposium will cater to these needs through presentations (passive demand for information) and through B2B meetings as well as networking opportunities (active demand for exchange).

A separate target group will be multiplicators such as:

  • Certain service providers
  • Associations
  • The press

While not being primary targets for sales they will carry word of the event and its mission into the industry. Associations will be utilized to attract relevant company groups (see above) to the event. The press shall receive content, e.g. through interviews at the symposium, to inform broader target groups on the topic.

For further information, please view our project plan here>>>.

Björn Koslowski

Björn Koslowski

Deputy Chief Representative
Head of Market Entry Services

Project-Marketing Plan_Factory Automation