AHK Brochure

© Getty Images/Maxiphoto

The AHK brochure is available in German language and gives an overview to the current economic situation in Vietnam, and additionally addresses to all those who are interested in a market entry in Vietnam. Particularly, it should provide you the most important data of Vietnam and further information in an illustrative way, so that you can evaluate the country and make the most appropriate decision for your business.

Sponsorship for 2025 active!

With the kind support from our partners:

Our information brochure about the Vietnamese market

Our Publications

AHK Vietnam Booklet 2023: Vietnam - Diversify Your Business

2023: ASEAN Snapshot

2022: Vietnam Boost Your Business 2022

This booklet focuses on Vietnam economic growth as well as its current transformation towards a market economy and a globally integrated industrialized country. The brochure provides an up-to-date overview of Vietnam’s key economic figures and valuable information for business decisions or expansion during the post pandemic era. Additionally, this edition contains information of the business relation between Vietnam and Germany, plus, important partners in Vietnam.

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2022: ASEAN Snapshot

ASEAN Snapshot Brochure 2022 is a special edition, which reports once a year on current economic developments in ASEAN in general and in certain ASEAN countries, so that German companies can assess the countries and the ASEAN region to build accurate strategies for their company.

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2021: ASEAN Snapshot

ASEAN Snapshot Brochure 2021 is a special edition, which reports once a year on current economic developments in ASEAN in general and in certain ASEAN countries, so that German companies can assess the countries and the ASEAN region to build accurate strategies for their company.

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2020: Vietnam = AEC + TPP11 + EVFTA

The AHK brochure is in German, which gives an overview of the current economic situation in Vietnam. This publication is aimed at anyone who is interested in entering the Vietnam market.

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2020: ASEAN Snapshot

ASEAN Snapshot Brochure 2020 is a special edition, which reports once a year on current economic developments in ASEAN in general and in certain ASEAN countries, so that German companies can assess the countries and the ASEAN region to build accurate strategies for their company.

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2019: Vietnam - Zukunft durch Handel

Die AHK Broschüre gibt einen Überblick über die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Situation in Vietnam und richtet sich an alle, die an einem Markteinstieg in Vietnam interessiert sind. Sie soll Ihnen auf anschauliche Art und Weise die wichtigen Daten zu Vietnam und weitere Informationen liefern, damit Sie Vietnam aktuell einschätzen und für Ihr Unternehmen die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen können.

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2019: ASEAN Snapshot

AHK ASEAN Broschüre berichtet als Sonderausgabe einmal jährlich über aktuelle wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen ASEANs allgemein und auch von bestimmten Ländern ASEANs, auf anschauliche Art und Weise, und damit deutsche Unternehmen die Länder und die Region ASEAN aktuell einschätzen und für Ihr Unternehmen die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen können.

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2018: Vietnam – Kraftvolles Wachstum

2018: ASEAN Snapshot

2018: ASEAN Clusteratlas

2018: AHK World Business Outlook - ASEAN Focus

About 300 member companies (mostly German and local smalland- medium-sized enterprises) of the AHK in ASEAN participated in this survey, giving a unique and essential insight into their business confidence, prospects and expectations. AHK ASEAN summarized all their feedback and inputs in this following publication >>>

2016: Vietnam - Brücke nach ASEAN

2015: Vietnam...bewegt

2016: ASEAN 2016 and beyond: New markets, new bases

2015: ASEAN 2015 and beyond: Are German investors missing out?

2015: ASEAN Roadmap 2015

2015: Cluster-Atlas ASEAN