Dual Vocational Training

The AHK is a contact point for consultation and coordination of the dual vocational training in Vietnam. We are monitoring and verify the quality of training programs including the content and implementation process.

The AHK is a contact point for consultation and coordination of dual vocational training in Vietnam. We are monitoring and verifying the quality of training programs including the content and implementation process. 

The AHK Vietnam with the brand AHK Academy is a contact point for consultation and coordination of dual vocational training in Vietnam. We are monitoring and verifying the quality of training programs including the content and implementation process. For the cooperation, we support companies to find suitable, qualified, educational institutes in Vietnam and advise you on the process and implementation of training programs based on German standards. 

We organize examinations and issue certificates based on the standard of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK)). We pursue the goal to train and develop qualified skilled workers for companies in Vietnam by use of the German dual vocational training program. Dual vocational training is determined and effective due to the combination of theoretical education in educational institutions and practical training in companies, which are equipped with modern machinery and equipment. 

For more information, please visit our website: http://ahk-academy.com/en/  

The “Skills Expert” program is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action and have supported AHK Vietnam from 2017 to the end of 2021 in building up sustainable vocational training structures.


The Memorandum of Understanding to improve the quality of training in Vietnam (“Joint Declaration”) 

The Memorandum of Understanding, which was initiated by the German economy in Vietnam, reflects the desire of the federal government to support the Vietnamese ministries of education (MOET) and work (MOLISA) to improve the quality of training. A declared aim of both participants is to generate better basic conditions for the education policy so that a training program with practical experience can be ensured. With help of close cooperation to the economy, vocational training may reach a stronger orientation need. Economic experts as well as the Vietnamese Government realized that the establishment of a functioning dual vocational education system is unavoidable to meet the need for professionals in Vietnam. 

Vocational Training in Vietnam 

The application of practical modules within a training education in Vietnam is viewed as advantageous, however, it is not necessarily a part of the training program in reality. Based on the information of the Vietnamese ministries 60 percent of the graduates of the training education do not fulfill the companies’ requirements. Despite improved realistic opportunities in the labor market, a vocational education only experiences a low status in the society. An appreciation of the image of professionals, therefore, might help the vocational education program to be accepted and more appreciated by the society and in addition, might offer young people an alternative realistic opportunity to academic education. 

Demand of German companies 

Jointly together, the GBA and AHK already analysed the need for professionals of German businesses in Vietnam. Around 85 percent of German investments are situated in the south of the country, particularly in the greater Ho Chi Minh City area (and the surroundings). To increase the value-added share of production, German companies are challenged by finding and employing suitably qualified personnel for modern machinery and equipment, as well as for efficient production processes. Since, the government is not offering specialists, companies train and educate their staff (“training on the job”). There is no agreement or cooperation between the companies so far, which affects the South of Vietnam the most by an increase in the demand for modern vocational training programs. 

Dual vocational education in Germany

© Getty Images/william87

Establishment of dual vocational training in Germany 

Usually, the theoretical part of vocational training in Germany, which includes general education takes place in one or two days a week, or in form of block teaching over a longer period at a vocational school. The practical part is taken over by a company, where apprentices get to know the processes of the company, as well as the skills that are necessary for the according profession. The content of the theoretical and practical components is coordinated and supplements each other. 

Advantages of a dual vocational education 

Vocational education provides opportunities for apprentices to obtain practical experience during the education program already and so will get to know their workplace and future function. In contrast, companies can support their potential future employee from the beginning and additionally may encourage their strengths, as well as work on their weaknesses. Furthermore, skilled apprentices become fully-fledged employees, who are familiar with the entire business activities and therefore can be employed immediately. As a result, saving time and costs are playing a central role for a company when it comes to educational issues. 

Dual vocational education in Vietnam

© iStock.com/xavierarnau

Dual vocational education in Vietnam based on the German model 

Preparing apprentices for specific requirements of a firm requires the practical part to focus more on the period in the company itself. By combining theory and practice, the integration of the apprentice into working processes can be ensured from the beginning. The on-the-job training provides knowledge for each individual business and practical work experience during the training period. 

Role of the AHK Vietnam in vocational training 

The GIC/AHK Vietnam assumes the role of the first contact point, training consultant, and coordinator. Moreover, education quality is ensured by the monitored structure and administration. The scope of services not only includes finding Vietnamese vocational training centers as cooperation partners but also advising interested companies with the establishment, development, and implementation of suitable training programs in Vietnam. Also, the GIC/AHK Vietnam performs examinations, generates, and manages certificates and qualifications based on German DIHK standards. Further on, the GIC/AHK Vietnam acts as a consultant for Vietnamese ministries concerning vocational issues. The aim of GIC/AHK Vietnam is to assist companies with the development of qualified specialists by passing on success factors of the German education including a combination between the theoretical training phase and working process in firms. 


  • Mechatronics 
  • Industrial mechanics
  • Chef 
  • Restaurant specialist 
  • Freight forwarding and logistics agent 
  • Draftsman 
  • Automotive mechatronics technician 
  • Industrial fashion tailor 
  • Specialist in the hospitality 
  • Specialist in the hotel business 

Best Practice in Vietnam

Cooperation of Bosch Vietnam Co., Ltd. and LILAMA2 

In October 2013, the first year of training of the skilled occupation industry mechanics started in cooperation between Bosch Vietnam Co., Ltd. and LILAMA2 Technical & Technology College in Dong Nai. The promising training program was participated by 24 apprentices. In total, the vocational training takes 3.5 years and is taken over by qualified and experienced trainers. The program includes 75% of practical work within the vocational training centre of Bosch Vietnam and 25% theoretical education of LILAMA2. Based on German standards, Bosch Vietnam intended to employ and train further apprentices in the following years. 

Cooperation partner

© Getty Images/MarsYu

Partner Companies 

  • A.Hartrodt Logistics Vietnam Co., Ltd 
  • Bosch Vietnam Co., Ltd 
  • Bolloré Logistics Vietnam 
  • Ceva Logistics Co., Ltd 
  • Fr. Meyer’s Sohn Vietnam Ltd
  • GBA Engineers Vietnam LLC 
  • Leschaco Vietnam Co., Ltd
  • Logwin Air + Ocean Vietnam Co., Ltd 
  • Mercedes – Benz Vietnam Ltd 
  • Pepperl + Fuchs Vietnam LLC 
  • Rhenus Freight Vietnam LLC 
  • Schenker Vietnam Co., Ltd 

Education partners 

  • Ho Chi Minh City College of Architecture and Construction
  • Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport 
  • LILAMA 2 International Technology College 
  • Vocational Training Center Andrej Majcen 
  • Francis Social Company Limited 
  • Tomas Hedberg Hospitality Social Company Limited 


  • Automotive mechatronics technician 
  • Chef 
  • Draftsman 
  • Freight Forwarding and Logistics Agent 
  • Industrial Mechanics 
  • Mechatronics 
  • Restaurant Specialist 
  • Specialist in the hospitality 
  • Specialist in the hotel business 


AHK Academy image video

AHK Academy image video