Freight Forwarding and Logistics Agent

What is Freight Forwarding and Logistics Agent?

Freight Forwarding and Logistics Agent operate in the field of trade include cargo, transporting, storing, customs clearance, customer consultation, packaging, coding goods or services related to and supporting the transit of goods. With the various service tasks, the work environment of the Freight Forwarding and Logistics Agent is diverse. Graduates of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Agent sector can work in logistics service companies in general, import-export companies, transportation services, delivery or in suitable professional department.

The content of the training program

The vocational training program in Freight Forwarding and Logistics Agent according to the standard of German DIHK includes the following main contents:

  • Business process, payment transaction
  • Transport modes and handling of different transport orders
  • Process orders in groups and in the system
  • Managing business processes
  • Plan, operate and control the purchasing process
  • Providing and organizing warehouse services
  • Processing export and import orders
  • Providing and organizing supply logistics
  • Supply and distribution logistics
  • Develop and implement marketing activities
  • Adjust logistics services

Necessary abilities

  • Diligent, Willingness to learn
  • Sense of responsibility, Carefully
  • Ability to work independently as well as teamwork

Training time

The training program takes 2,5 years.

Recruitment process

Apprentices of this vocational training program are chosen from the students of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport (Faculty of Transport Economics, Major: Logistics Management & Multi-modal Transport).


After graduation, the apprentices will be handed the Vietnamese degree of Bachelor from Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport as well as German DIHK-AHK Vietnam certificate from the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam (AHK Vietnam).
